I found the perfect puzzle to
highlight the upcoming Easter weekend. This
was going to be the coolest puzzle post ever.
One heart-stopping description after another documenting the brilliant
execution of the solution process culminating in a series of vivid photos
capturing the essence of the final state of puzzle completeness and
tranquility. I was pre-basking in the
glory of the deluge of comments that would be coming forth from puzzlers around
the world astounded by my puzzle solving prowess.
Too bad I was unable to solve
it. Tranquility was out the window not
to mention how far away from the final state of completeness I was. With a dozen pieces continually mocking me, I
realized that I would not be able to solve that puzzle in time for this post. Maybe it will get done for next Easter or some
other Easter in a year starting with 2.

It’s always nice to successfully
solve a 10-piece puzzle. If you find
that this puzzle has too many pieces for you to handle you could try something
with fewer pieces like Mega Six by Bill Cutler, which has roughly half the
number of pieces as Kimiki Bunny.
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